Making an Impact
steps logged via the Pho3nix Kids app
kids registered for Pho3nix programs worldwide
Pho3nix sponsored Olympic athletes
Olympic and world champions along with elite athletes on the elite Pho3nix Team
Our Vision
To create a worldwide legacy in which sport and activity are integral to the personal development of all young people, fostering a sense of purpose, focus and possibility that strengthens across generations.



From making the team to living the dream
Projects That Inspire
Global initiatives that inspire and push the boundaries of human physical achievement

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Pho3nix Team

Pho3nix Athlete Program

Pho3nix Junior Team
Programs That Activate
Local and regional initiatives designed to directly assist youth endeavour and pave the way for the next generation.

Pho3nix Kids Camps
Camps for 5-14 year olds to help foster sporting participation and enjoyment.

Pho3nix Kids Triathlons + Fun Runs
Swim, bike and run. Core skills and fun.

Pho3nix Education
Building character and ambition through participation.

Pho3nix Future
Camps and development for teens who aspire to a career as a professional athlete.
Sebastian Kulczyk
We want to ‘ignite the flame’ for the next generation, using the vehicle of sport to help children dream, overcome, and fulfil their true potential.”

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