The Pho3nix Foundation today announces Australian professional parkour athlete Michael Khedoori has signed onto the elite Pho3nix Team as an ambassador. As the embodiment of Pho3nix ideals, the Pho3nix Team are a squad of champions with a shared commitment to reaching the pinnacle of their sporting careers, inspiring the youth and generations after to chase their dreams. Non-traditional sports like parkour have increasingly attracted youth attention and participation, making Khedoori an ideal ambassador to push forward the not-for-profit foundation’s aim to assist and inspire children through sport.
Despite being only 19 years old, Michael Khedoori has committed himself to a life evangelising parkour and movement. A professional traceur out of Sydney, “The Kid” specialises in speed and agility. He competes in both nationwide and international competitions as well as teaches all ages at the AAPES (Australian Academy for Parkour and Extreme Self-Defense) gym where he first discovered his love for the sport.
Khedoori unites athleticism with artistry through filming his extreme feats and sharing them on social platforms where he has amassed a faithful and engaged following (2.1 million on Tiktok). Parkour has also taken him into the realm of television: he played a high-stakes form of tag on 2021 Australian game show Ultimate Tag, where he and fellow traceurs would attempt to catch contestants making their way through various obstacle courses.
Khedooris says, “I’m joining Pho3nix because I believe we can get more kids interested and into sport and pushing their boundaries.”
The Pho3nix Team was launched in 2020 with an all-star roster of sport champions initially from triathlon, with an eye toward further diversifying into more sports. To add to their already impressive collection of two Olympic gold medals, two Olympic bronze medals, and four world championships, in 2021 its members took two Olympic bronze medals and two world championships. With the 2022 selection of Khedoori following the addition of American surfer Sage Erickson to this line-up, Pho3nix hopes to reach and inspire more children around the world to move.