Pho3nix JX Clinics Make a Splash

The Pho3nix Foundation is thrilled to share the recent successes of its Pho3nix Junior Excellence Program (Pho3nix JX Program) conducted in partnership with Swimming Australia.
The Pho3nix JX Program aims to develop healthy habits, mindset, and attitude by recognising and inspiring young swimmers, building commitment to and enthusiasm for the pathway into senior swimming and success in and out of the pool.
A projected 1,619 participants will have attended a Pho3nix JX Clinic by end 2023 since the first one in Melbourne in June, on the eve of the 2023 World Championship Trials.
Along with the numbers from the Pho3nix JX Competition in Victoria, 1,786 participants overall have already engaged in Pho3nix JX Clinics-related activities.
Additionally, over 10,911 swimmers have already been recognized in the Pho3nix JX Program since 1st May – nearly 76% of the total 14,400 recognized last year. Pho3nix JX is on track toward surpassing previous years’ numbers.
On the 29th September, Swimming NT welcomed 99 participants to the Pho3nix JX Clinic linked to its Country Championships, featuring the coaching expertise of Olympic gold medalist Chelsea Hodges OAM and a team of assisting coaches. Based on its success and positive reception, Pho3nix JX are already looking to hold a second clinic.
Swimming VIC conducted a tandem Pho3nix JX Competition and Pho3nix JX Clinic on the 14th October at MSAC, attracting 630 competitors and 116 clinic attendees. High-profile Victorian athletes in attendance provided opportunities for a Q&A session along with swim and small group sessions, allowing Pho3nix JX Clinic participants to take their learnings into competition on the same day.
Two days later, Swimming SA’s race-focused clinic engaged 60 participants, primarily Gold JX swimmers. Delivering this clinic alongside Flippers development activities allowed young swimmers to interact with those further along the development pathway, creating an inspirational ‘be what you can see’ atmosphere.
Further Pho3nix JX Clinics are scheduled through to April in Western Australia, Tasmania, New South Wales, and Victoria.
Through the Pho3nix JX Program, Pho3nix Foundation continues to show its commitment to supporting participation in sport, paving pathways for young athletes to reap the benefits on their personal development, health and wellbeing.