Swimming Towards Better Care: Pho3nix and WOŚP Renovate Iconic Pool

Young patients from across Poland can now access state-of-the-art aquatic rehabilitation at the newly renovated swimming pool at the Children’s Memorial Health Institute (Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka), thanks to the partnership between the Pho3nix Foundation and the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP).
Pho3nix Foundation Founder Sebastian Kulczyk (r) and Wojciech Kruczyński (l)Pho3nix Foundation Chairman attend the opening.
A sport nonprofit established to assist and inspire children to engage in sport worldwide, the Pho3nix Foundation also actively works with hospitals in Poland to support better standard of care especially for pediatric patients.
The pool at the Institute has served thousands of young patients from across Poland for nearly 40 years since opening on June 1, 1985. After decades of service, the facility required comprehensive modernization, rebuilding, and equipping. The Pho3nix Foundation took on this task, with support from WOŚP.
Renovation work began in September 2023 after an initial donation of 21 million PLN (approximately €4.8 million) from the Pho3nix Foundation upon the direction of its founder, businessman and philanthropist Sebastian Kulczyk.
“We signed an agreement with Mr. Sebastian Kulczyk and his foundation for a complete renovation of this pool. At that time, the idea was proposed to establish the Little Steps Academy here,” said Dr. Marek Migdał, Director of the Institute.
Dr. Migdał added that WOŚP supported the effort by purchasing part of the rehabilitation equipment. “The value of this support from WOŚP exceeds 8 million PLN. Altogether, this investment amounts to 37 million PLN and offers a chance to improve children’s health,” Dr. Migdał stated.
Kulczyk expressed his admiration for sports, saying he “loves sports for being fair,” but acknowledged that “for some kids, the starting line is set back a few meters.” He emphasized the importance of creating equal opportunities for them.
“I am glad that we managed to establish such a place and equip it with cutting-edge technology in such a short time,” Kulczyk said. “I would like the Little Steps Academy to become a leading European center for water rehabilitation.”
He thanked WOŚP for their collaboration, calling it “the second project where the foundations joined forces.” Pho3nix Foundation has previously partnered with WOŚP to actively support Polish public healthcare, contributing over 1 million PLN toward equipment for laryngology, otolaryngology and head diagnostics wards.
Kulczyk also acknowledged that without WOŚP’s support, it would not have been possible to equip the pool so thoroughly. He affirmed his desire to continue working with WOŚP, saying, “Let’s keep playing together until the end of the world and one day longer.”