Pho3nix Kids Take on Olympic Challenge: Beating the Brownlee Brothers

Last week, nearly 800 Key Stage 2 school children ran and cycled their way to the thrilling challenge of beating the Brownlee Brothers.
The Pho3nix Kids by the Brownlee Foundation brought the excitement to four schools—Meanwood, St. Urbans, Holy Name, and Ireland Wood—by hosting the “Beat the Brownlee Brothers” challenge. The ambitious goal? Each school aimed to cover 400 kilometres, matching the distance Olympic champions Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee typically cover in their weekly training. That was no easy feat, but the students were up to the task and brimming with energy and determination.
Every class within the school racked up the kilometres with each child cycling, running, and resting for two minutes each, three times over. The distances travelled by each year group were tallied up and at the end of the school day, a final assembly revealed whether they had managed to beat the Brownlee Brothers.
All the necessary gear like bicycles, turbo trainers and course markers were provided free of charge, ensuring that everyone regardless of fitness level could take part. Designed to be fun and inclusive, the challenge encouraged the kids to push themselves to do their personal best.
Pupils, teachers and parents alike raved about the activity. One student called it “the best PE lesson we’ve ever done” while a Year 3 teacher reported, “We had tears at the end because they wanted to carry on.” And a proud parent tweeted to Jonathan Brownlee, “What an incredible thing to do. My child who has Rett Syndrome got to take part in the sports at school yesterday with your help. What a star, thank you.”
To keep the momentum going, Pho3nix Kids by the Brownlee Foundation invited all the children to join more local sports activities, encouraging them to stay active and have even more fun!